General Admission Application | Ho Ngai College

General Admission Application

「一般入學申請」General Admission Application

  1. 索取申請入學表格Request for Admission Application Form
    -- 可親臨本校校務處索取
    You may request an application form in person from the school General Office during its office hours.
    -- 可在此下載
        You may download the application form here

  2. 遞交申請表格Submit the Application Form
    -- 於辦公時間內,親攜文件到本校校務處辦理報名手續。
      The completed application forms can be submitted in person at the school General Office during office hours
    -- 電郵至Email to:
    -- 郵寄至: 香港新界屯門愛明里八號
      Mail to: 8 Oi Ming Lane, Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong

  3. 遞交申請表格時須一併提交以下文件的影印本 :
    When submitting the application form, please also submit photocopies of the following documents:
    -- 出生證明書、香港身份證或所持之入境証明文件;
       Birth certificate, Hong Kong identity card, or relevant immigration documents
    -- 近兩年之學校成績表影印本副本 或公開試成績單影印本(如有);
       Photocopies of school report cards from the past two years or public examination results (if applicable)
    -- 獲獎記錄證明文件影印本(如有);
       Photocopies of award certificates (if applicable)
    -- 半身近照一張。
       One recent half-body photo

  4. 經審核成績及操行後,初步符合資格之申請人將獲電話通知面試,並需由家長或監護人陪同出席。如申請人在面試後七日仍未收到學校回覆,即是次申請不獲接納,學校不會另行通知。
    After reviewing the academic performance and conduct, applicants who initially meet the qualifications will be notified by phone for an interview, and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. If the applicant does not receive a response from the school within seven days after the interview, the application will not be accepted, and the school will not provide further notification

  5. 如欲了解更多有關嗇色園可藝中學的資訊,歡迎瀏覽學校概覽
    For more information about Ho Ngai College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen), please feel free to visit the school overview.

  6. 個人資料收集聲明:Personal Data Collection Statement:
    The personal data collected will be used for processing application for admission.
    Applicants must provide their personal data in the application form. If the information provided is insufficient, the school may not be able to process the application.
    Applicants have the right to access and correct their personal data in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

  7. 如有疑問可致電本校查詢,電話(852)2441 7100。
    If you have any questions, please call our school at (852) 2441 7100.
    辦公時間: 星期一至星期五上午九時至下午五時/ 星期六(上午九時至上午十一時三十分)

      Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm / Saturday 9:00 am - 11:30 am.